Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Massacre in Cuidad Juarez

The most recent shooting of the on going drug war in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, left 18 people dead and others wounded. Four hooded men stormed into a drug rehab clinic, lined up the addicts and shot them. Cuidad Juarez has witnessed at least 1,100 murders this year alone. Mexico's violence has increase so much that people are being murdered in broad daylight. These gruesome killings have raised concerns about the safety of Americans who are couple miles away from these deadly attacks. In my opinion, I think this is both a US and Mexico problem. The only reason the drugs are going by Cuidad Juarez is because its a bordering city to Texas. The demand for drugs in the US gives the cartels power. Money to pay-off mexican officials and sometimes over power the state government to the point where the National army of Mexico needs to step in. I think the US could help by providing Mexico with a better trained police or drug searching tactical teams. If both countries shared information about the cartels and where abouts of high ranking leaders of these illegal businessmen, the drug war could be over sooner than we think. Mexico should keep enforcing its policy against drug cartels in the country. The US should remain on their territory and try and detect any drug shipments coming into their country.

Barder & the Little Boy

Desperately seeking magic spells online, little boy wanted to fly like on his favorite movie, Harry
Potter. He has seen kids fly, it was fairly easy, just say the magic words and you could pretty much hop on too anything and take off. He had finally found the words to make him fly. They did not make sense, but he had to fly. VOLAN KAS A FAN!! yelled the boy while on top of his skateboard. Nothing had changed, he closed his eyes again and gave it another shot. It did not work. The boy runs to his room and shakes the pillow of its pillow case and wrapped it around his head like Aladdin on his magic carpet. Runs outside only to find his dog Barder blocking the doorway. Barder! yelled the boy. Get Up!. He then brought his leg up and around the dog and held on to Barder's ears. VOLAS KAS A FAN!! and the boy had to hold on tighter or else he would have fallen on the neighbors yard.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Writing in Reverse

As Rebecca runs out of her apartment kicking the door shut, she realizes it is too cold for a tank top. She sprint back inside to find her grey coat. Her room is a mess, ever since she started working two jobs she hasn't had time to clean after herself. While searching under nearly a foot deep floor of clothes she glances at her watch only to find out that she will be late to work, again. walking towards the living room she realizes her coat is next to the stove. Rebecca paused for a second but failed to remember why it was there. There was no time to play detective, Rebecca will miss the subway.
Ashamed of her tardiness every morning, Rebecca walks with her head down along with hundreds of other people in New York City. It was a cold morning, cold enough to make Rebecca wished she had worn thicker socks. Making it right before the closing doors of the subway she now had a time to stop and catch her breath. As the subway was coming to a stop, Rebecca smoothly found her way towards the door and prepared herself to run out as if she was in the Kentucky Derby.
The station seemed to be unusually quiet for this early in the morning. She could her the lights buzzing until a breeze made her realize she was still running late. Running towards the stairs, Rebecca suddenly trips over a sleeping homeless man and stumbles across the station twisting her ankle in multiple places. Feeling the pain up her calf like needles in her nervous system made everything slow down, but she was still falling. Rebecca then searches for something to hold onto, a blonde boy to her left wearing a blue oxford shirt and a red backpack seemed to appear from nowhere. The boy patiently waiting for the subway turned around as he fell someone hit him on the right shoulder making him turn around 180 degrees as fast as his body could. A big woman had fallen face first into the white tiles like a statue. The blonde boy not understanding what was going on felt his backpack pull him backwards with increasing force, he too, was falling down. As Rebecca struggles to get up, she sees a crowd surround her and while still confused she moves towards the the turnstiles just in time to hear a woman scream. A piercing sound that could only be translated into horrific images. As her temperature rose a sudden flash blinded her eyes.