Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Massacre in Cuidad Juarez

The most recent shooting of the on going drug war in Cuidad Juarez, Mexico, left 18 people dead and others wounded. Four hooded men stormed into a drug rehab clinic, lined up the addicts and shot them. Cuidad Juarez has witnessed at least 1,100 murders this year alone. Mexico's violence has increase so much that people are being murdered in broad daylight. These gruesome killings have raised concerns about the safety of Americans who are couple miles away from these deadly attacks. In my opinion, I think this is both a US and Mexico problem. The only reason the drugs are going by Cuidad Juarez is because its a bordering city to Texas. The demand for drugs in the US gives the cartels power. Money to pay-off mexican officials and sometimes over power the state government to the point where the National army of Mexico needs to step in. I think the US could help by providing Mexico with a better trained police or drug searching tactical teams. If both countries shared information about the cartels and where abouts of high ranking leaders of these illegal businessmen, the drug war could be over sooner than we think. Mexico should keep enforcing its policy against drug cartels in the country. The US should remain on their territory and try and detect any drug shipments coming into their country.


  1. I definitely agree with you,because I think Mexico and the US need to put theirs hands together and get to work against the cartels, because its something that concerns both countries.
    Pedro Trejo F, México City
    Thomas jefferson

  2. Rafael Coronel

    I tink it is the only form to stop this huge problem that is having México and many other counties with narcotrafic, and I´m totally agree with this because the only reason narcotrafic is getting power in Ciudad Juárez is because is really near to the U.S., so it will be find from U.S. to apport some money or provide trainments as it says for having good results and for stop this war.

    Instituto Thomas Jefferson
    Mexico City

  3. I totally agree with you, this problem we are having in Ciudad Juarez is something that concerns us. As you say this a problem that involve United States, because US are the main consumers of drugs like marihuana and heroin, that's why cartels are concentred in the North of the country especially in the bords with US like Chihuaha.Mexican drug cartels have ties with Colombian drug traffickers and international organized crime that use Mexico-US border as a conduct for drug traffic.
    I think that you're right we have to work together to end with this,the first step is that Mexican government should end with the corruption in the country and maybe US can help us like you say with trained police and all that.

    MArianne Valencia
