Monday, October 12, 2009

Biography: Jeremy White

His dream as a little boy was to become a rockstar. Its what he felt would satisfy him in life. But that dream would have to wait. Jeremy, born and raised in Sacramento California, did not consider himself popular or an outstanding athlete but he did find himself talented on the drums set. Jeremy an his best friend since childhood began playing instruments hoping to someday be discovered and be famous worldwide. He was part of a band named "Revolution Smile" who gained local popularity but only accomplished to film a couple music videos. White's career was suddenly taken global when he was asked to play with the band "Two Ball Loo" who toured in Asia and in Europe with highly recognized artists. Jeremy soon encountered celebrity shock and decided that life a rockstar was not for him.

Jeremy being an independent person who preferred the life of a businessman. Feeling confident that his new lifestyle would provide him stability and financial assurance. Jeremy started his own real estate company which at a time employed more than a hundred people. Surprised with the market crash, White took the opportunity to sell the company and keep clear of any financial difficulties. This only inspired White to take another business oriented job, Finance. In order to have a secure future and funds to support it, Jeremy learned everything there is to know about finance and now works work a highly admired financial firm as a private consultant.

Jeremy's success is due to his perseverance and positive attitude in any circumstance. His ability to provide himself a secure future has enabled him to help many businesses and organizations do the same.

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