Monday, November 2, 2009

Governments Role in Food

2) What roles/responsibilities does the gov't have in framing your choice? (Should they be responsible for educating us? should they be responsible for managing all products we consume?

I dont think the Government should tell us what we are supposed to eat but they should regulate what is available for us. People dont really want to investigate every product they are going to buy for its health benefits or nutrients. People base their choices on price and flavor. most of the processed food is also based on those two factors; affordability and good taste. Americans havc chosed processed food over organic because it is cheaper and because they are used to having the same flavor. the government should be in charge of testing all the foods that have been modified and hold a standard that is healthy to human beings that resembles the unprocesed food. I think the government should also try and make organic food cheaper by not charging as much tax or providing services to those farmes who are still growing their crops how their grandparents did.


  1. Good paragraph, you just have 2 spelling errors 6 lines down, in the sentence beginning with Americans have chosen. have and chosen are spelled wrong. Everything else is good though!

  2. Your article is very well written and your open is very strong. I think you also bring up a good point with the taxes and how our government should lower them to encourage spending on organic foods.

  3. I agree and wrote something similar. A huge factor in what americans eat has to do with quantity and price versus health. I think your idea of having the gov't regulate what is sold would help with this problem.
